Ben Force
I do love the Friends series but someone cut a ton of one-liners some more funny than others but still, in the first episode alone there's at least 5 lines that go unsaid. -- what kind of hack job release did Google buy??? -- by extension, what did I buy??? For the price you should have also gotten the outtakes videos for different seasons. Google really screwed over the trusting public. These videos are missing a significant amount of substance that made Friends the series it was... Going to seriously reconsider any future purchases from Google now on!
251 people found this review helpful

Noah Peterson
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The only reason I rate 1 star is the time it comes on. It comes on at 10:00 every night RIGHT after a kids show like spongebob. So if you want to stay up late watching spongebob, you can forget about it UNLESS you watch it on Netflix or find another station that Nick owns. (300 and 302) By the way, it only comes on channel 299, so there's a CHANCE they might be running a show that kids like. But if not, too bad! (Only if you can't afford to pay for Netflix) I suggest you move it to Teen Nick.
4 people found this review helpful

Julia Cermak
This isn't a review of the show. It's a review on how well it plays on the app. The show consistently freezes or doesn't play at all. I also can't choose an episode by season. I purchased the entire series. To choose an episode, they all line up horizontall and I have to scroll over several times to reach the later seasons. Also, the whole title of the show doesn't appear. Very frustrating.