I cannot believe such a terrible, over rated show with a 1 dimensional narcissist as the main focal point could survive 13 mind numbing seasons. It is only further proof people love to be told what to watch, buy, be, and how to think. Congrats to all the vapid sheeple who have given this puddle of cold vomit masquerading as entertainment more than a 1 (none if I could) star rating. You have confirmed my lack of faith in television.
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Victoria Hamilton
Grey's Anatomy is realistic in the sense of human feelings, despite plenty of unusual catastrophic events. It provides wisdom or lesson with each episode. It's a movie for those who can see through and read between the lines to understand its value. Through all these years, I witnessed how the first generation of interns became matured personalities and mentors at their jobs, fighting the challenges many people can relate to. It's hard to think that Grey's Anatomy series has its end. It feels like losing a beloved old friend.

angel avery
Grey's anatomy is the best show I've ever watched and I am a TV fanatic. I have seen every episode at LAST 3 times some even 4 I know Derrick just passed away but I still think it works the main character is AND ALWAYS WILL BE MERRIDITH as long as characters are built around her it works I hope that it continues to be successful in a big way I will be very sad to see the show end and I hope that's a long time away .
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