Joshua Zinewicz
This series is most likely the only thing on Google Play be it Movie, show, app, book, or otherwise I would give more than five stars to if possible. It has the best voice acting of my generation and is not only the best, by a long shot, cartoon series ever written and created but one of the best tv series period of all time. It is not just for children the series has far ranging topics and a style that will appeal to any and all ages it is as fresh now as it was when I was a child watching it after school, rushing to get in the door so I didn't miss it. The animation is fantastic but the voice acting is just epic. Epic is the only real word that does it justice. Buy it, watch it, love it. Harley and the Joker are amazing with the back and forth between them as well. The entire series plus extras for like sixty bucks is a steal.
189 people found this review helpful

This series is masterful. Not only is it one of the greatest television shows of all time, but its ability to be its own creation, while still respecting and playing off the source material is mesmerizing. The show contains not only some of the best representation of Batman and his rogues gallery, especially The Joker, its created characters and backstories that have lasted for decades. It's truly an inspirational piece of media for anyone thinking of adapting a comic book character, and while it's obviously entertaining and appropriate for kids, adults who love the caped crusader will get their dessert as well with episodes that allow us to see into Bruce Wayne's mature psyche. It's a show that has lasted for a while, with admirable heroes and 'love to hate' villains, and will continue to last for a long time.
44 people found this review helpful

A Google user
Superb writing, animation, voice acting steals the cake with this one. Not only that, it's the first in an amazing take on the DC universe being forged by Paul Dini and Bruce Timm.