Shawn Nason
From the same nonsense political message perspective that gives us Star Trek Discovery, comes Picard, a weak, unintentionally hilarious storyline that seems to be from the same mindset that gave the world barbarella. A politically motivated robotic plot that has the protagonist on a weak hsauce journey through space to become a literal NPC. And we're supposed to think that robo-copy Picard is as legitimate as real Picard. What a sad end to a great character.

Phillip Miceli
This show is a boldface lie. Its in no way Star Trek, nor is it Picard. its more Discovery garbage with a similarly incoherent and laughably Half-baked plot, cringingly bad writing, Empty vapid characters, and similar deconstruction of established characters from Trek's past. Another insulting joke from the empty void that is Alex Kurtzman's "creative" (and I use that term completely sarcastically) mind. if you have any connection to real Star Trek in the slightest, avoid this like the plague.

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Upgraded my rating to 2 1/2 stars. Picard is a pretty good series, which barely qualifies as Star Trek. Great cast. Interesting concepts. Misses a chance to expand upon potential side-stories, which would have enriched background character development. Picard, the character, is not protrayed correctly; thus, the actor is still playing Logan's Charles Xavier. All of Picard's original body language, quirks, and charm have been lost. Patrick's voice, due to age, barely projects strength.