V Rh
I hoped the change of hosts might revitalise this show but sadly not. It is just the same old, same old, same old etc., with different faces. The new hosts just utter the same lines, give the same sideways looks and hold the (supposedly suspenseful) pauses as the previous hosts. Obviously they have not changed the script writers. The contestants are excellent and for the most part interesting and they certainly know how to cook however the format of this stale show needs to be rejigged.

Real Talk
Cool GameSpot thats supposed to be about cooking. What ruins it..everyone crying about "thier cause" to be there. The gloyifing of ones sexual orientation and a obivous forced diversity feel contribute to a reasonable lack of interest. Just cook, bring on the best cooks, stop trying to balance things in order to possibly please people who might not have been interested.

Doris Mahala
I have watched MasterChef series with the adults and with the children. I am amazed by the way this show gives not only instruction to the children but also challenges them. When they accomplish a recipe that I know that I could never accomplish and have never heard of I would think "these kids are smart, really smart!" I think that Ramsay is a little to rough on the kids, but they take it like a duck to water and momma duck just quacking away. {l.o.l.} However, when I saw that some people just could not scramble eggs and make toast I just shuddered. That is one of my fav. breakfast. In fact I must have an egg or eggs everyday. I need protein and it is hard for someone with my income to be afford meat so I get it with dairy after I have to take medication for mild intolerance to some dairy products. Would love to have a way and means to learn how to make my own cheeses and would love to find a dairy that will sell dairy products [raw milk or un-homogenized milk] Would love to learn how to make dishes from Sweden, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Portuguese dishes, Basque... so many different food and countries.
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