One of the more boring "found-footage" films that I've seen thus far. Generally I'm a fan of the much hated style, but in this case, I can agree with the majority. A few decent jump scares but other than that, the creepiest part of the movie happened in the very last few minutes and wasn't worth the time it took to get there.
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jay jay
I spent $4.00 on this GARBAGE they call a horror movie 😡 it made no seance the ending was stupid the trailer was better then the movie it self. And all it is is a bunch of kids running around screaming in a school calling out Charlie wow that's scarry if that's all it takes to I take my phone. Record what's happening get bunch of my friends go to an abanned house run around start Scraming calling out a random name and make. A million dollers. Becase people these day DO NOT KNOW ABOUT HORROR SO SAD 😢
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Will N
Let me start of by saying that I enjoy found footage movies and horror movies in general a great bit. However, this film is so God awful, I can't even reccomend it to people who and a 'So bad it's good'. It looks like it was filmed on an iPhone, the plot is recylced garbage, every character is a whiney teenage jerk, and to top it all off, all the scares are jumpscares. There are better found footage movies out there (Cloverfield, VHS, Canibal Holocaust, Blair Witch) do yourself a favor and don't watch this.
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