César Benjumea
Rick and Morty is an excellent TV show... It's so great that I'm waiting every Sunday to pass so I can see the fresh new episodes. I'm giving 1 star because Google Play takes several days to upload the episodes, which really sucks. Paying for the episodes here only makes sense if you haven't seen the already aired episodes of the past seasons.

Dane Muckler
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This episode rendered the whole show nonsensical, covering that nonsense with cheap violence and gore. A basic premise of the episode is that Rick is reincarnated as a clone in an parallel universe every time he dies, but this breaks with the existentially horrifying nature of the Rick and Morty multi-verse. The fragility and contingency of being in Rick and Morty's multiverse is what makes it so scary and gives the show a horror-like aspect. Minor characters frequently die suddeny, without warning, and there is always a sense that this could happen to our protagonists. However, in this episode Rick dies numerous times and is reincarnated each time. The overall effect is to make death (and hence the contingency of being) in Rick and Morty's multi-verse meaningless. Rick's repeated deaths are literally, senseless, because death no longer has any consequence. .... I also hated the scenes with the giant wasps fighting and the grotesque depiction of corpses. This episode seems to be more graphic than any previous. The graphic nature of the violence does a poor job of covering up the loss of existential horror that comes from trivializing death. I don't want to watch any more of this show. I would like my money to be returned to me.
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From the beginning of the 4th season I was thinking this is not up to their usual par. But saw such high ratings in the reviews that I had to check what people were seeing that I didn't. Then I saw a bunch of copy cat reviews giving 5 stars. That was enough for me to think my assumption was right. The show is going downhill & honestly I think it started in the 3rd season. Which really sucks. I think they're trying to too hard to push what made the show funny in the beginning or they're rushing.
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