Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil

2011 • 86 minutes
266 reviews
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About this movie

The good... the bad... the Twitchy. From the team that brought you Hoodwinked, the hilarious re-telling of the classic Little Red Riding Hood fable which grossed over $110M box-office worldwide, comes the side-splitting follow-up Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil. The sequel catches up with our heroine, Little Red (Hayden Panettiere of TV's HEROES), training with a covert group called the Sisters of the Hood. Finishing her training, Little Red is sent out on her first mission by the returning Nicky Flippers -- head of the Happily Ever After Agency -- to investigate the disappearance of Hansel (Bill Hader of SUPERBAD) and Gretel (Amy Poehler of TV's PARKS & RECREATION). Of course, what is a sequel without guest stars from the original? Thankfully, Granny (Glenn Close of 101 DALMATIANS) and the rest of the Hoodwinked gang, including the intrepid reporter, the Wolf (Patrick Warburton of TV's SEINFELD), return to help solve the forest's latest caper.

Ratings and reviews

266 reviews
Ezekiel Zabertini
July 12, 2014
Thoroughly predictable and packed with old, cheap jokes that weren't that funny when they were new and certainly aren't now. The voice actors do a competent job- nearly all of the original cast is here with the exception of Anne Hathaway (Red)- but the script is hopeless. I'm a great fan of Hoodwinked, but I found very little to like in Hoodwinked Too. It's not unwatchable, but it lacks all of the qualities that made the original spontaneous and fun. Only dedicated fans of the first installment determined to see the sequel need apply, but even these shouldn't expect much out of Too.
8 people found this review helpful
A Google user
March 10, 2012
Ok for 99cents but not for others at reg price. You can rent them in bluray for that much. Should be in hd as good as the trailers are. Hd screens on smartphones is becoming the new standard anyway.
2 people found this review helpful
A Google user
March 7, 2012
But it was ok i guess
1 person found this review helpful