Miss Fisher and The Crypt of Tears

2020 • 101 minutes
9 reviews
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About this movie

In this movie sequel to the hit TV series, glamorous lady detective Phryne Fisher's rescue of a young girl leads her on a globe-trotting adventure.

Ratings and reviews

9 reviews
Kat Buckley
June 5, 2020
Every young girl should watch...definitely PG13, but what a great heroine and role model: smart, tough, beautiful and not to be messed with. Essie Davis is so talented; her stint on Game Of Thrones derailed the TV series though...the Australian network ABC needs to bring it back!!
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Lance Miller
June 23, 2024
As usual movie execs got another one wrong. This series had great writing, acting and production.. Once again the cancelation of this series is just further proof that most network execs should be working in the food service or house keeping industry as they know nothing about what makes for a good movie or tv series.
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Nancy M
July 11, 2021
Loved it. Strong female role beautiful clothes.
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