Won't You Be My Neighbor?

2018 • 94 minutes
438 reviews
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About this movie

For over 30 years, Fred Rogers, an unassuming minister, puppeteer, writer and producer, was beamed daily into homes across America. In his beloved television program, Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, Fred and his cast of puppets and friends spoke directly to young children about some of life's weightiest issues, in a simple, direct fashion. There hadn't been anything like Mr. Rogers on television before and there hasn't been since. - ( Original Title - Won't You Be My Neighbor? )

Ratings and reviews

438 reviews
Adam Rivard
October 28, 2018
In a world full of hate Mr. Rogers is a needed figure that is the ultimate role model for children. He taught us how to love ourselves despite not being "perfect" or "talented". He spoke about real issues, he didn't ignore anything. His show was calming and real. It wasn't overly produced or written. This documentary captured all of that. A must see and hopefully nominated for an Academy Award.
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d west
September 15, 2018
Excellent. It's strange but growing up I despised relinquishing to the "goodness" part of my inner conflicts because I took greater joy in destruction and chaos. For some reason I'd sit down and watch his show, and those propensities would be quiet.. as an adult today I think it isn't a wasted effort to be like Fred Rogers.
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Michael Thelen
September 30, 2018
Kindness, love, tenderness -- what bring us together. Mister Rogers poured heart and soul to make every child feel loved and accepted as they navigate the tumultuous realities of their changing lives. Silly and yet somber, playful and yet sincere, he wove the magic of unconditional goodness into even the most troubling situations. Death, divorce, and sickness were things children had to deal with and he had the courage to face them too. A masterpiece of a human being.
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