Brad Bell
This movie was good and it was a pretty cool and original idea for a movie. So it was something new which always appeals to me because all movies seem to be the same now. It’s about a young man who has a premonition that the flight he was on would blow up on take off. When he came to he freaked out on the plane getting some people to leave and some thought he was nuts or on drugs and stayed on the plane. Well the plane did exactly what he said word for word what would happen. This put suspicion on him because who would know that unless they put a bomb on the plane. They didn’t really play out that sub plot. It’s a horror movie after all so let’s get to the killing already lol! So they all think they’re lucky to be alive but their luck is about to run out. One by one they die is brutal accidents etc. Then they figure out they cheated death and that death is taking them in the order that they would have died in the crash. This became the premise for all the Final Destination movies. Unfortunately they made 5 sequels and every one of them is the exact same thing. The only thing different is the premonition and each movie the death scenes were more brutal. You’d think on the last one they’d finally cheat death. No. And I feel screwed over when movies do that. If you are going to make 5 sequels then you kill your bad guy or in this case cheat the bad guy lol.

A Google user
Probably the biggest sham of a movie ever. Aimed at 12 to 15 year old girls (dumb ones too) just for those cheap thrills. Nothing about this movie makes you want to come back for more except the shear humor of how absolutely terrible this cheap film is.
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Vi Stasiya
The physics are wonky as Hell in this movie to the point where I was more pissed off then scared or spooked by this film. This movie (as well as the other FD movies) feel like an excuse for the behind the scenes people to just write elaborate and/or creative death scenes. It feels like they jus