Matthew Kelly
Not into wrestling so didn't know the story but very happy to learn about it because it's a great one, the movie was excellent as well, kudos to the direction and actors. Some outstanding comedic moments but the drama was spot on as well. Florence Pugh is amazing..again. Highly recommend. ps anyone that comments about feminism is misguided. There's nothing portrayed in this film in that context.

Rico Len
Good movie. Told a cool story, love that family. If it were strictly fiction I would have nothing but good to say, but it was very far off the facts of the true story it was supposed to tell. And that's just from covering the part of her story I know as NXT champion for months and then getting called up on the Raw after Mania to win the title. None of that was how it actually happened, so it makes me suspect of what else was misrepresented. For example I know teen Paige toured Europe by herself.
191 people found this review helpful

Victoria Hoogerwerff
The movie was honestly portrayed amazing, I have personally always been a fan of paige's, and feel that the movie reenacted her life story in a great manner. Although I will say the fight seen between "paige and aj" wasn't exactly the same as the real events, but it's definitely worth it if you know the story or just like wrestling..
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