Zoe Owen
Do not waste your money on this movie. I rented it thinking I would escape reality and see an action movie with gentlemen fighting evil with manners, words and maybe even a (good vs evil) fight. None of that here! No goodness, righteousness or gentleman are in this movie. Movie is full of disgraceful criminal activity glorified. There are celebrity actors in it that I don’t respect anymore because they were in such a disgusting movie. Rent Selma or watch The Blind Side over again. This movie will degrade you and insult your intelligence. Horrible!!!
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Corey Thibeault
It appears that a lot of the negative comments come from folks that are not familiar with Guy Ritchie or any of his other movies. This movie, while slightly different than other movies by Guy, was still a great movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Went in expecting something similar to Snatch or Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. Got something unexpected but enjoyable. The cast was great and meshed well together.

Great movie. I had no idea what to expect and I can honestly say this is one of the best movies I have seen in years. The story is clever; the acting is superb. The first fifteen minutes you will undoubtedly find to be slow and confusing. However, stay with it. The slow burn is strategic. Long before the conclusion you will be hooked. You will not be disappointed. Felt a bit similar to, The Usual Suspects. In all honesty, with the combination of tension and suspense, twists, turns, violence and humor, The Gentlemen was afar more than a cut above. This was a very entertaining ride.
262 people found this review helpful