1997 • 119 minutes
207 reviews
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About this movie

A vicious high school student is dead. A gang hit? An act of sudden rage? Or did a once-idealistic teacher finally snap? The issues and the tension hit home when Samuel L. Jackson stars in a gritty urban-school thriller that's "gripping, high-octane entertainment" (Newhouse News Service).

Ratings and reviews

207 reviews
Susan Florence
February 3, 2016
Not one redeeming quality! And Samuel Jackson is my favorite star. This subject wants a documentary, a point of view. It's surely not a movie. It's definitely not art. I wanted to like it. I hate what we've done to Blacks and Mexicans in this nation. Makes me want to take all the millionaires and billionaires in this country, stick em in a room, then take all their stupid, no-good money and make great schools and communities to end war in this nation.
8 people found this review helpful
Little House
November 12, 2015
Another lesson to learn when high school gangster students pull in their teacher to a game of psycological torture & death. Good message, bad image. Not for children!
Cruz Jr Uriarte
March 15, 2016
It reminds me what us to be and what now is proper you will understand that if you can relate this was my childhood moments it depicts our truths of our lives shows both sides of the fence