Dora the Explorer

2000 • Nick Jr.
1.79K reviews
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Season 5 episodes (19)

1 Dora's Jack-in-the-Box
Dora's twin brother and sister have been sick and she wants to buy them a present to cheer them up. Way up on a toy store shelf, she finds a dusty Jack-in-the-Box.
2 Bark, Bark to Play Park
It's Twins Day and everyone's getting ready for the big Twins Day Party at Play Park! Dora even has a surprise for her puppy Perrito. He has a twin too -- a long-lost puppy brother he hasn't seen since they were babies.
3 Dora Saves Three Kings Day
"Happy Three Kings Day!" Dora, Boots, and Diego are at Diego's Rescue Center dressed up as kings for the big Three Kings Day party at Dora's House. They'll be bringing a horse, a camel, and an elephant to carry the presents.
4 Isa's Unicorn Flowers
Dora and Isa are planting Isa's special unicorn flowers when suddenly a baby unicorn, Unicornio, rides in on a Rainbow. He's thrilled to see Isa's beautiful flowers 'cause they're his Mami's favorite.
5 Benny's Big Race
It's Benny's first time in the Big Go-Cart Race! But, when his cart backfires and falls apart, Dora and Boots must convince Benny to never give up and help fix the Go-Cart so he can finish the race!
6 The Backpack Parade
Backpack, Backpack, yeah!!! Today's the Backpack Parade, where everyone dresses up their backpacks in different costumes. Backpack is super excited 'cause this year she gets to lead the parade with her song.
7 Bouncy Boots
"Special delivery for Boots the monkey!" Boots' favorite boots are back from the Shoe Shop, but when he tries them on, he starts to bounce, bounce, bounce. These aren't his boots -- these are bouncy boots.
8 The Mayan Adventure
Dora reads us a Mayan story about twin brothers who were amazing ball players. A long time ago in a Mayan Kingdom, there was a big Ball Game Championship.
9 Dora Saves the Three Little Piggies
Dora and Boots are reading their favorite story, "The Three Little Pigs" when suddenly we hear the Piggies calling out for help. Their brick house is missing some bricks and the Big Bad Wolf is going to blow it down!
10 The Big Red Chicken's Magic Show
ABRACADABRA! The Big Red Chicken's putting on a magic show for all of his friends. With an "abracadabra," he pulls a rabbit out of his hat, but when it's time to make the bunny disappear, it doesn't work!
11 Benny's Treasure
It's Junk Day and Benny's showing Dora and Boots his wagon of cool junk. But when the junk truck accidentally takes Backpack and Map off to the junkyard, it's up to Dora, Boots, Benny and his wagon of stuff to rescue them!
12 Dora Saves the Snow Princess
Dora, Boots and the snowflake fairy are off to save la Princessa Sabrina and her snowy forest from a mean witch who's locked her in a tower and taken away her magic snow crystal.
13 Dora Saves the Crystal Kingdom
Dora and Boots travel into a storybook to help their new friend Allie save the Crystal Kingdom. And they need your help! A Greedy King has taken all of the crystals that make the kingdom colorful.
14 Super Babies' Dream Adventure
Dora tells the Super Babies a story about how the Dream Fairy's golden rooster got locked out of the Dream Castle and couldn't wake her up to deliver dreams at naptime! This sounds like a job for the Super Babies!
15 Pirate Treasure Hunt
Pirate Piggy really wants to be in the big Pirate Treasure Hunt, but his Piggies got tummyaches. He needs at least 3 mates to help him find the sunken treasure. Dora, Boots, and L'il Piggy will be his pirate mates -- yay!
16 Dora's Big Birthday Adventure
Dora and Boots need to get home for Dora's birthday party. But before they can jump out of the Magic Storybook, a twisty wind picks them up and blows them into Wizzle World. And Dora and Boots can't jump out of the Magic Storybook in Wizzle World -- they need to take the crystal to the Wishing Wizzle on Wizzle Mountain, so he can wish them home! Will Dora be able to get home for her birthday?!
17 First Day of School
Boots and Tico are really excited because it's their first day of school ever -- and in their new school, they'll learn in English and Spanish!
18 Boots' Banana Wish
Boots makes a wish on a machine at the amusement park - when he says "bananas" that he gets bananas! He gets his wish but when the bananas don't stop falling, he has to wish for them to stop but the machine is broken!
19 Dora Helps the Birthday Wizzle
Dora reads a story about a Wizzle who could grant wishes with his magic wand. On his birthday it's his turn to make a wish but the wand gets blown away by the wind. Dora needs your help to save the Wizzle's magic wand!

About this show

This play-along, animated adventure series stars Dora, a seven-year-old Latina heroine who asks preschoolers for their help on her adventures. Along the way, they'll meet friends, overcome obstacles and learn a little Spanish! So, come on! VĂ¡monos!

Ratings and reviews

1.79K reviews
April 23, 2016
Dora is just a dumb girl trying to get others to help her find simple things. She doesnt ever even bother to turn around. And its bad to tell kids to say SWIPER NO SWIPING!!! What if someone was in their house and they said that? It would also get them bullied for looking stupid. Great job, Dora.
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Jaime Bates
January 9, 2021
I hate Dora. Dora was my fav untill i found out its better than Blues clues. : Which disapoints Blues clues fans. Which im one of them. Blues clues is my fav now. I wish i could kill Dora Im soo mad! ): ( I hate you Dora. You suck! But worst of all. Dora speaks spanish. Why i hate Dora: Dora is a dumb girl who always needs help from others to find her stuff that Dumb Dora! Why Is there talking animals and stuff? Also. Its bad for Dora to tell kids SAY SWIPER NO SWIPING! in front of kids!
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Caleb Weaver
November 24, 2021
Oki so Dora has no parents and lives in a jungle teaching kids how to speak basic Spanish. She has to use a talking map to find simple things. Can she not just turn around? And then she just randomly says "Swiper no Swiping". Somebody breaks into their house how's that gonna go? Good show but completely unrealistic
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