Expedition to the End of the World

2014 • 89 minutes
28 reviews
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About this movie

An adventure film for the 21st century, EXPEDITION TO THE END OF THE WORLD takes an irreverent, philosophical look at humanity and our effect on the world around us. On a three-mast schooner packed with artists, scientists and ambitions worthy of Noah or Columbus, a crew sets sail for the end of the world: the rapidly melting massifs of Northeast Greenland. It is an epic journey, with the brave explorers on board encountering polar bear nightmares, Stone Age playgrounds and entirely new species. But in their meetings with these new and unknown parts of the world, the crew is also confronted with the existential questions of life.

Ratings and reviews

28 reviews
March 10, 2015
It was bad enough that I PAID to rent this when its FREE online,but the reason I know this is that this movie would not play on any of my devices through chromecast. It would work on the device screen, but once you tried it with chromecast it either shut off or it displayed as a strobe like lines and harsh static. We watched it online for free by typing the name in, and it was SO boring I could not stay awake to read the subtitles.Scenery was nothing spectacular and it looked filmed with a cheap flip phone.
Aaron A. Wallace
September 10, 2015
Do you like the desolation of inhospitable landscapes, do you like being reminded of man's smallness in the face of nature. If so then this film is for you otherwise go someplace else.
Jonathan O'Dell
March 7, 2015
But stunning videography, and some interesting existential questions and points raised along the way.