Alyosha Sønju
Score is excellent; rest of the movie not as awful as it could've been, but not nearly as good as it might've. Owes a lot to Carpenter's The Thing, less so to Mandy, tho the influence is there. Fun enough if you set the expectations at a lowish bar. Reasonably good performances, the script & pacing lack punch, very well shot with some solid effects work.

Clark Maier
As an adaptation of a Lovecraft short story in which the alien entity is nothing like any life form we’re used to seeing, this movie does a remarkable job of capturing the eeriness and horror Lovecraft is known for. The cinematography and soundtrack, individually excellent, weave together to create in the viewer the same gradually increasing unease and dread that Lovecraft’s prose achieved. Cage was the weak link in the cast, or at least his character was. Undeveloped sufficiently to cause a viewer to feel empathy at his fate, or even readily understand the symptoms he was showing, don’t let the characters’ shortcomings deter you from seeing this film. I anxiously await the next two films.

Stephen Jacewicz
A really great looking and wildly haunting film that is one of the best horrors of 2020. It shows what happens when you mess with witchcraft and don't have Jesus in your life as your savior. The film is also quite disturbing and has such great creature effects. And Nicholas Cage was truly a good choice for this. This movie makes the short story so much crazier. 5 out of 5.