Tom Lane
Much better than expected! One of things I really admire about Jackie Chan is that he continues to develop as an actor, giving us more complex and original story lines while continuing to leverage his physical talents in believable display - he's no spring chicken and doesn't pretend to be but he's still got some moves. In my opinion, this was Chan's best film yet after the Rush Hour films. I liked those films because it was clear that Chan places entertainment above his ego and I enjoyed the fact that he doesn't take himself too seriously. In some ways, Chan's film career has been a zigzag between Chinese produced films and Western produced films and the goals are different for both, but this is a Western film for Western audiences with a deeper script than usual and better acting, both from Chan and his coacters. I'm not a Pierce Brosnan fan, but I felt he did great portraying the character as written and was his best performance for me. I hope Chan has a few more of these films in him and I think with this trajectory blending drama and action, he may well. If he keeps after the writers to go above and beyond, I expect to enjoy Chan's films for another 10+ years. Thanks!
45 people found this review helpful

Action and drama blend seamlessly together in this film. Unlike other Chinese films featuring American/British actors, or Hollywood blockbusters featuring Chinese actors -- this one will not give you a cringe attack (phew). It is absolutely gripping from start to end and paints a poignant portrait of each of its main characters. It's refreshing to see Jackie Chan in a new light. Turns out all he needed was an amazing director, cinematographer, make-up artist, the whole crew... ...

Grant Lanning
Reminds me of the old Clint Eastwood or Charles Bronson movies from the 1970's and 80's with a modern setting. This cast was perfect and performed very well. This is not a movie you get bored with, it tells its story and doesn't linger on irrelevant details. Its a classic revenge style action movie that's light on the politics and drama with believable action performed by one of the greatest actions stars to ever graced the screen.