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Transmorphers: Fall of Man

Transmorphers: Fall of Man

In this present day prequel, the robot invaders attack the Earth, forcing a small band of humans to seek refuge below the surface of the planet.

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In this present day prequel, the robot invaders attack the Earth, forcing a small band of humans to seek refuge below the surface of the planet. The invasion begins subtly and quietly as man-made machines across the planet begin to instantly transmorph into deadly attack drones. The attacks, at first, go unnoticed. But, not under the eyes of Dr. Jo summers (Jennifer Rubin) who suspects what the governments of the world already know…our planet will soon end as we know it. The incident brings Sheriff Hadley Ryan (Bruce Boxlietner) to the scene. Miles away, Jake Van Ryberg (Shane Van Dyke), a former marine with a troubled past, is awoken to the nightmare when a satellite dish transforms into one of the robots and attacks. With Madison Ryan (Alana DiMaria), his long-time love interest, they escape and soon join forces with Hadley and Jo. Heroes are born, love is found…and the first of many battles is won in a war that will last for centuries against a far more advanced race of beings.

Cast and crew

Showing 1 through 1 of 26 items
End of Cast and crew

Additional information


Scott Wheeler

Released year






4.97 GB (HD 1080p)

2.59 GB (HD 720p)

1.69 GB (SD 480p)


The Asylum

Additional terms


English (CC)


1 H 25 Min

WindowsWindows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 or later
XboxXbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X
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