The Conformist

1970 • 112 minutes
18 reviews
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About this movie

In Mussolini’s Italy, repressed Jean-Louis Trintignant, trying to purge memories of a youthful, homosexual episode – and murder – joins the Fascists in a desperate attempt to fit in. As the reluctant Judas motors to his personal Gethsemane (the assassination of his leftist mentor), he flashes back to a dance party for the blind; an insane asylum in a stadium’ and wife Stefania Sandrelli and lover Dominique Sanda dancing the tango in a working class hall. But those are only a few of this political thriller’s anthology pieces, others including Trintignant’s honeymoon coupling with Sandrelli in a train compartment as the sun sets outside their window; a bimbo lolling on the desk of a fascist functionary, glimpsed in the recesses of his cavernous office; a murder victim’s hands leaving bloody streaks on a limousine parked in a wintry forest. Bernardo Bertolucci’s masterpiece, adapted from the Alberto Moravia novel, boasts an authentic Art Deco look created by production designer Ferdinando Scarfiotti, a score by the great Georges Delerue (Contempt, Jules and Jim, and That Man From Rio) and breathtaking color cinematography by Vittoria Storaro, who supervised this director approved restoration.

Ratings and reviews

18 reviews
همام غازي محمود
June 3, 2020
بالنظر لكثرة الرسائل التي تصل الى الصفحه من قبل الطلبه و اولياء الامور حول موعد الامتحانات و المواد الداخله في الامتحان نود اعلامكم بأن الوزاره لم تحدد الى الآن موعد للامتحانات الا في حال ان تقرر وزارة الصحه استقرار الاوضاع الصحيه اما بالنسبه للمواد الداخله في الامتحان فسيكون هنالك تقليص في المواد و فيما يأتي المواضيع #الغير_مطلوبه بالنسبه للصف الثالث المتوسط المواد غير مطلوبه للصف الثالث متوسط:- 1- التربية الاسلامية.. (من الوحدة الرابعة الى نهاية الكتاب). 2- اللغة العربية ..(الجزء الثاني). 3
A Google user
April 10, 2018
The cinematography is excellent, shot with a remarkable sense of composition, and this is one of those films that is even more rewarding to view a second time, for I found myself noticing things I previously didn't notice and the protagonist's early actions become understandable. In hindsight, the main character is an anti-hero. I hoped that he would act in a way that he failed to near the end, but I sympathized regardless of that disappointment. It made him all the more believable as a human being.