Dianne Hippchen Savage
I find the series relevant and an excellent time period series. To the individual that commented about "a gay kiss", if that is all you got out of it, I feel sorry for you. Would you prefer it be rewritten to erase facts? History is history is history!!! Homosexuality is a fact of life. I do not condemn individuals for who they choose to love and I also don't condemn a series that happens to include the fact that these individuals have loved this way since the beginning of time. Shame on your small mindedness! Yes point to the Bible and tell me what it says PLEASE!!! I know what IT says and it also says "Love thy neighbor as thyself" & "Who is without SIN cast the first stone." Must be nice living in that glass house so high and mighty, careful you don't get a nosebleed.

R. Allan Weir
I had heard about this show when it was being produced, but I did not opt to watch it. I do not often go for period drama. Which is all the more reason to take the time to discuss the virtues of this show. It is well-written, engaging, with good attention to character detail and scenery. In short, it's everything a classic period piece should be. Once I had seen the first episode, I ended up buying the entire series and I have enjoyed it immensely.

JOSHUA Myers (Joshua)
Had to stop during the 1st episode. Why? Promotion of homosexuality, involving a gay kiss. Please don't watch this. Run don't walk.😤
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