Xxaiden Knowlton
So to my surprise, MIB International was better than I thought it would be, but I didn't have high Hope's for it in the first place. The acting is pretty passable. The two leads dont try to tedo J and K's relationship, so thats a plus. The effects, though way too much CGI for my liking, does pretty well. Other than that, If your looking for a good men in black movie, try the original.

Mike Young
Anti feminists revel when a movie with a woman co-star fails (woman in a men in black nonsense when the original movie had a woman agent at the end) but the reason the movie fails is that it's just not very good. I realize I'm biased since I liked the original leads and I think if women in general were given a fair chance in life we wouldn't need feminism. Men needing to dominate is why we have it and in my book it's necessary as long as men need constant control to exist. Maybe when time has passed the movie will be enjoyed more (and maybe I'll like it) but for now, bring on female leads and to all men including me, stop trying to keep women where you want them, in your bed and in your fantasies. All that leads to is men so needing to have power than we have in our world violence towards women when they try to break out.
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James “ReddSinz” Krik
I actually liked this movie it was never gonna be the first ones feel that is impossible so my expectations were appropriate thus I enjoyed my viewing unlike others. Could it have been better maybe but no movie happens to be perfect that's also impossible. I Infact enjoyed this one more than the other sequels the first will always be best but this one was a good enough addition for me.