PL Pearl Kirkby
Our Father Brown is one of the most loveable lay-detectives ever! Completely unassuming, wears his heart on his sleeve and exudes true godliness in all areas of his life, Father Brown's character is so humble as to set a real life example of Christ-like grace & tolerance. Wonderful supporting cast reflects the gamut of true-to-life personalities :)
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My favorite show! I watch them over and over! I hope many more seasons will continue to entertain all Fr.B fans! Just finished the new (2020) Season 8....Best season yet!! Loved every episode but the last one with all 3 inspectors was my favorite! Mallory is still my favorite with his dorky appearance and funny comeback comments! Loved the closing scene though! Please don't cancel at 8 seasons! Google Play, please carry the new season soon.

Anon Nymous
While I love Father Brown, I am rather disgusted that we are being gouged on price when you consider that the show aired in HD and not SD. This proves beyond all doubt what my British friends and relations have said about BCC's shameful and blatant profit whoring..