Jean Luc Pressoir
Any person who can have superhuman abilities are gifted and with great destiny. A family with powers not always easy to stay safe from danger of threats such as any type of federal government those want to study them and use them for their own purpose. A person who have a Metahuman ability deserve to still live like every another human being and never be pointed as a threat from no one.

Kenneth Eschete
I checked it out just because had sci-fi as part of the decription. I usually know better but sometimes sci-fi's that aren't set in space ocassionally are pretty good. However they are usually boring and slow moving trying to play on human emotions to try and make it relatable and not alien. Most of the time they fail miserably, like this one, since alien is basically what I want to see, and perhaps, even feel. I am definitely not interested in straight up drama in the disguise of science fiction
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Jade The Adventurer
Interesting concept and I definitely haven't seen anything like it. But the movie kind of just dragged along. And I was getting tired of Gugu's character always running around looking lost and confused, making the same face. The movie made me sleepy. Wish I had rented it first. Ugh