The Beach Bum

2019 • 95 minutes
98 reviews
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About this movie

The Beach Bum follows the hilarious misadventures of Moondog (Matthew McConaughey), a rebellious rogue who always lives life by his own rules. Co-starring Snoop Dogg, Zac Efron, and Isla Fisher, The Beach Bum is a refreshingly original and subversive comedy from director Harmony Korine (Kids, Spring Breakers).

Ratings and reviews

98 reviews
Johnny Phiver
July 1, 2019
loved it! weird af. its been awhile since a completely left field comedy has hit.. this is like watching a late 80s or 90s comedy but set in more recent times.. if you have a good sense of humor and want to be taken on a ride watch this movie otherwise go get your rocks off on another vanilla superhero movie..
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RedrumRedRumXMRed r.i.p
March 4, 2022
Harmony Korine never disappoints. For fans of his they'll see the astute HK Mathew Mconehy running rampant basking in an irreverent glory of writing "the Great American novel" which H.K. claimed w/satire, parody, Dada, social commentary & chuckling like Cheech n LETTERMAN answering; and then in what was a condescending but funny ? Jeering but to Harmony who u doesnt 1up his chuckling turns to laughter as he got the best of L in his rejoinder: well, I want to write the next great American novel
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Kel Shaw
June 29, 2019
really not much funny. not much story line. great actors, but what a disappointment. if all I wanted to do is watch someone scuffle around drunk for 2 hrs, I'd grab a camera n do it myself lol.
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