Eddie 777
LOVE/HATE Q.T. I love the rich character portrayal he gets out of his actors, very gritty and interesting. And in many movies he has some very interesting historical homage or metaphor. But he always contradicts his aspirations in the latter half of his films with needless ambitious efforts to be shocking and grotesque. I have no problem with well-placed and appropriate gore. But QT seems to be in some sort of competition with the world to go down in history for the most fantastical use of blood, guts, and sexual taboo. I was really enjoying the examination of our culture through post Civil War characters. But I could not sustain my disbelief when I find myself viewing a woman expressing herself after having her teeth knocked out, nose broken, skull bloodied, face covered in blood of a poisoned vomiting puking man, wiping the bits of her brothers brain splattered out of her hair. I also know for a fact, that Cowboys with six shooters did not have explosive bullets. But, if you are in a QT movie, one bullet, and you will explode.

A Google user
Feminists and racially sensitive people everywhere beware! This movie probably isn't for you. Throughout the movie a convicted female destined to hang is basically treated like an animal and also goes through a very violent/nasty scene towards the end of the movie. I dont mind any of that, but just a small warning to anyone who would find that material a bit too much. Also the "n" word is used constantly, which if you had the brain capacity of an average human being, you would remember that this is based when slavery was still very much alive in America. So if you are very sensitive on someone saying the "n" word non stop, especially if it's a white man saying it, avoid this movie. The one thing that i hate about this movie was when Hollywood decided to step in and added a brief graphic gay scene, which i won't describe. Why Hollywood can't make ONE movie that doesn't have any kind of sex in it is beyond me. Another downside to this movie is that it's long with hardly any action until towards the end. There's a lot of dialogue, interesting and boring, but all of it builds the story. I'll leave it up to you to call it a hit or miss.
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Ross Gileau
I never thought I would be unpleasantly surprised by a Tarantino film. This predictable and drawn-out film-noir brings a bad taste to my mouth every time I hear it's name. Theres zero back story to any of these tansparently evil characters with a plot that you can see straight to the end of after the first 20 minutes. Unfortunately, it goes on for another 3 hours. Don't waste your time!
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