King of Kings (1961)

1961 • 160 minutes
201 reviews
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About this movie

Portraying the birth, life and death of Jesus, this film tells one of the greatest stories in history of mankind, a life and teaching that form the basis of the Christian faith.

Ratings and reviews

201 reviews
Tony Poulopoulos
April 1, 2021
I seen this movie when I was 6 years old I'm now 58 on channel 9 Sydney Australia good Friday and I enjoyed it and never forgotten it. Everything i have learned about CHRIST from my Autherdox religon this movie brings it to life,it's a shame that this movie is not being watch by our children today and how people in 2000 years have fogoten the meaning of Christ and why he died for us.
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Linda Emmart
July 27, 2020
This portrayal of Jesus may not be the most popular with some, but the spiritual nature of it, the compassion, how greatly moving it is...that cannot he denied. I love this movie for the feeling it evokes, which is what a movie is supposed to do.
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Ana Cruz Nazario
September 30, 2020
History that all children most like Portraying the birth, life and death of Jesus, this film tells one of the greatest stories in history of mankind, a life and teaching that form the basis of the Christian faith.
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