Chris Segal
I wasnt impressed. There is nothing new, nothing inspiring or anything that will be leaving you remotely excited or breathless about this film. 85% of the footage is in slow motion and the whole film feels like it's going too slow, I found myself a few times skipping sections to keep myself from falling asleep. I imagine the reviews are by those who appeared in it. 5* is a bit much for a slow motion effortless movie

Chris C
You definitely feel the passion of the people, however, I almost feel as if this was a sales pitch by several companies (Indian, Arlen Ness, Troy Lee Designs to name a few). I have no doubts in their passion, but it seems as if the Director was subliminally placing advertising here. I was under the impression this movie was about ordinary people, and their testimonials. Not famous, revered people of the Motorcycle Industry. I am not saying this a bad movie because of it, again, you really feel their passion, but it would have been nice to know. Great video shots and scenery throughout the movie.

Stuart Peters
Whilst this film attempts to eulogise the joy of riding a motorcycle to the general public, hopefully encouraging some to try it, it's ironic that only those that already ride will buy it. But if you love motorcycling you'll enjoy this and it has reminded me that I need to get my daughter riding sooner, rather than later!
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