The Bellboy

1960 โ€ข 71 minutes
25 reviews
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About this movie

Lewis stars as Stanley, a non-speaking, bumbling bellhop at the ritzy Fontainebleau Hotel in Florida's Miami Beach. Guests may come and guests may go, but Stanley is on duty day after day at the posh resort, encountering (and creating) all sorts of catastrophes.

Ratings and reviews

25 reviews
August 7, 2014
One of jerry Lewis's best films! The only thing that comes close, is the dean martian and jerry Lewis Colgate comedy hour.
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Lissette Lissie
December 18, 2020
STILL Love watching Jerry Lewis. The completely full of his Genuis!!! So funny!!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
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Jarvis Johnson
March 18, 2014
Keep this bipolar person smiling for a few minutes
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