How the Grinch Stole Christmas: The Ultimate Edition

1966 • 75 minutes
79 reviews
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About this movie

Dr. Seuss’ timeless classic comes to life in a shiny all-new Ultimate Edition of How the Grinch Stole Christmas, now with 2 newly remastered Grinch Specials: The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat and Halloween is Grinch Night! With Who-ville brimming with joyful anticipation of Christmas, high above in the chilly mountains, the Grinch shares no such warmth for the holiday. Why this green meanie has hatched a plan to do away with Christmas once and for all! Featuring animation by the legendary Chuck Jones, bring home this heartfelt reason for the Yul-tide season.

Ratings and reviews

79 reviews
Geoffrey Froewiss
December 24, 2020
I'm with haselbarth this whole rhyming a variety of words, with another variety of similar words thing is for the birds. Chirp-Chirp. Its seems cute enough at first but it gets old quicker than my uncle's fathers uncle and that's pretty old ...Believe me. Another thing my teacher told me this was a true story. NO WAY. Fool me once...You guys get me. Any Who...pun totally intended. Hope this review helps.
3 people found this review helpful
Beth M
December 20, 2018
This plays as one movie, not separate films/episodes. The remastered quality of the Grinch is nice, but the other two films are not work the extra money. would have preferred just the Grinch.
9 people found this review helpful
Jared Haselbarth
October 21, 2020
He never really stole Christmas, the second part was super dumb, hate that the narrator talks in rhythms, and overall: SUPER STUPID CRAZY RIDICULOUS STORY.
9 people found this review helpful