Grumpier Old Men

1995 • 100 minutes
250 reviews
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About this movie

The more things change, the more they stay the same in Wabasha, Minnesota. The uncatchable fish named Catfish Hunter grows fatter. The wisecracks, zingers and put downs pile up like freshly raked leaves. And GRUMPY OLD MEN become grumpier in the sequel that's "pure delight, a wonderfully warmhearted comedy" (David Sheehan, CBS-TV). Grabbing fishing rods and picking up where they left off, JACK LEMMON and WALTER MATTHAU reel in another comedy winner as GRUMPIER OLD MEN. ANN-MARGRET, DARYL HANNAH, KEVIN POLLACK and BURGESS MEREDITH also return to the Land of 10,000 Lakes to reprise their roles. And SOPHIA LOREN is the newcomer whose plan to turn the town's beloved bait shop into a ristorante sends the old boys into a tizzy. Be advised: a tizzy is very contagious. Get ready to laugh. And stay tuned for the outtakes, including "man-sized manicotti!" "Better, funnier and even grumpier than the original." - Joel Siegel, GOOD MORNING AMERICA/ABC-TV (c) 1995 Warner Bros. All Rights Reserved MPAA Rating: PG-13 (c) 1995 Warner Bros. All Rights Reserved

Ratings and reviews

250 reviews
M Glenn-Riley
April 14, 2014
Funny classic. These two never stop, the talent just keeps coming, great on a rainy night, snowy day, or just when ya need to remember what friendship means. M. Riley, IL.
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Sierra Dunning
July 10, 2015
I love this movie. I remember seeing it as a kid and now as an adult, I am excited to see it available here. Such a heart warming pick me up movie. Whether you rent or buy you are in for a treat. I guarantee you will quote scenes and phrases after viewing.
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Marlene Herasimtschuk
May 13, 2015
The jokes are timeless. This is one of my favorite movies along with dumb and dumber, the big lebowski and half baked.
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