Justin Chan
I don't understand why this movie didn't do better at the box office: It's hilarious! (It's certainly better than the Minions movie we endured recently with the kids.) Slapstick for the kids, nonstop action, and jokes for the adults -- the funny scene where villain Dave is fumbling through a video call like a clueless grandparent is spot-on -- all should've added up to a big hit. Oh well. We've watched it several times and it's laugh-out loud funny with a sweet if predictable story. Recommend it.
174 people found this review helpful
It was good overall but everyone who criticizes the movie should get their facts and grammar correct. It is not a Disney film, it even says Dream Works in bold print. The movie was more or less aimed at the fans, and if you give 5 stars to frozen with only a "I love Disney films" then you should really stop abusing the freedom of rating and commenting. Half of the reviews are based on what is the current trend. I may be 'slightly' biased but only because this movie was better than its critics.
48 people found this review helpful
Apparently from what I originally heard this film wasn't meant to be linked in to the Madagascar films.As of which is the TV serious which messes up with the time line of things as I thought after number 2 they went and spent their riches in the south of France rather than return to central Zoo.The TV series cant be set before due to that theres no Alex,Marty,Melman and Gloria unless they were to expensive for the budget back then.Anyway I found the film kind of stupid compared to the likes of the other films apart from the bit when they met private.It was all about the puns and so ridiculously disjointed.Home on the other hand was superb and Absolutely amazing.
13 people found this review helpful