Diana Kemp
Awesome, its amazing how men under estimate the POWER of a woman. The father had two daughters that he chose not to acknowledge, and was powerful than any of his warriors--AWESOME!

Damien S
Hack an slash scenes just pitiful...people get sliced an stabbed...clothes dont shred...no blood at the end of the sword....uneven editing on voice overs or cut off...aside from alfred molina and the women who do the voicing for nariko an her sister this movie was bleh...watch it on netflix before you choose to buy it

Cyborg Soda
I wanted to like this film, but the pacing and uneven voice performances (Thomas Jane didn't even try lol). Alfred Molina does a serviceable job as the menacing force chasing nariko and kai. I don't even understand the power of the sword. Did it give her superhuman stamina?