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A Demon Within is the newest surprising success in independent horror. While the story is familiar, the likable characters, emotional and thematic depth, and intensity make it an experience worth having. A Demon Within isn’t only trying to scare you, it also deals with grief and moving on from it. I think that anyone who has lost someone can strongly relate to this film. The scares are also effective because of how music, camera movement, and point of view shots are used. I would strongly recommend A Demon Within to anyone looking for a scary, romantic, entertaining and emotional time.

A Google user
A Demon within is able to do a lot with its relatively low budget. The music, the lights, and the sound captivates you in those especially tense scenes. The cast does an adequate job in portraying a rather interesting story. Some may say it takes much of its story from previous films like “The conjuring” or “The Ring”, however, I believe it has plenty of interesting twists to set itself apart. It is a good watch for any independent film fan.

A Google user
A Demon Within is one of those films that comes by surprise. Most of what happens comes out of nowhere and this is great if you are hoping to watch a horror movie. The film is edited incredibly and brings out the director's talent to tell creepy stories. Lastly, the two female actresses knock it out of the park with their impersonation as a mother and daughter dealing with their inside demons. A must watch and a jewel of modern independent filmmaking.