Kicking and Screaming

2005 • 94 minutes
473 reviews
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About this movie

Will Ferrell stars as a suburban dad who transforms into a maniac when he becomes the coach of his son̍s unruly soccer team and is pitted against his own domineering dad (Robert Duvall).

Ratings and reviews

473 reviews
Russell Rogers
June 11, 2020
Meh... but not exactly a terrible film either. It's basically a feel-good family comedy that has Will Ferrell starring in it. If you're into his type of humor on Anchorman, Talladega Nights, or Old School then this film isn't going to scratch that itch. But, if you want a cute wholesome film with Will Ferrell that you can safely share with children (especially if they're into soccer), then this will probably do it.
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Lionelle Richee
July 13, 2014
watched this when i was high. was great, but fill werrells voice was so unecessarily deep. i sounded like an orgy in his mouth, and then a girl had a period.
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Lizzie D
December 12, 2016
Well first off I HATE... no wait... I freaking DESPISE soccer but this movie is freaking HI-LARIOUS. I absolutely love this movie and it's hilarious
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