William Thomas
Canned laughter? Poor Scripts Writing? Terrible Animation! PLOT HOLES!? What have you done to one of my favorite movies?!? next time can you make a MOVIE and not a bad short story?? I am extremely ticked off by the direction this franchise took. Man this was even worse than the second one. Here's a tip, spend as much time as you did on the first and bring it back, I don't want to see one of my favorite movies become this bull crap. Please, don't release a movie every year, go back to your roots!
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ash s
Animation was extremely lazy, very little effort put into this movie, could have way better scripting, bad voice acting, near the end it got Disturbing with a abusive wolf father..?? And the abusive father acting creepy?? And one of the wolf pups even being afraid of the father, and the father almost hitting a pup, yeah no this is not a good movie for young children, the first movie will only be the good one in the franchise.
3 people found this review helpful

A Google user
First off, it's a cancerous rip-off of Cars except it has stupendous romance in it. Secondly, the animation went downhill a lot. The characters are dumb and useless now.
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