Chris Castleman
Absolutely incomprehensible performance by David Oyelowo. Words fail me. His range on screen was the equivalent of looking at a Michelangelo painting. Having said that, along w/Mickey Rourke's portrayal of Randy "The Ram" Robinson in THE WRESTLER....... I'm not sure I've witnessed a better solo acting job by any actor in Hollywood the past 20 years? Why Mr. Oyelowo wasn't awarded an Oscar for NIGHTINGALE is a travesty in my opinion. This a must see.

Elsy Valerio
I saw this on the HBO when it originally aired, and it had me on edge. The part of Peter Snowden is played so realistically by David Oyelowo tastefully, well thought out and "From the austere beginning to the inexorable conclusion, one of the best films I've ever seen.

Osama Mansoori
good acting but extremely boring