Sydney Harrison
Frank Langella IS Dracula. As someone else said, Gary Oldman was great... that whole film was good. But there is just something somewhat erotic in Langella's portrayal. His Dracula is "real". He beckons you with just his existence on screen, and leaves you wondering if you could resist him if it were true... or if you would even want to. Yes, it can be 1970s cheesy in some parts, but this film is a must-see for anyone who likes vampire lore.

Paul “Supermn” Capel III
I literally watch this movie EVERYNIGHT! This is bar none; my favorite version of this movie. I believe that Frank Langella plays the best Dracula ever. While, I sincerely like the Gary Oldman version of Bram Stoker's Dracula, I think that the intensity and depth that Frank Langella brought to this role in 1979 coupled with the amazing score from John Williams made this movie an instant cult classic!!!!!

Jo Anne Vance
I saw this in the theatre when it first came out. Frank Langella was incredible in the part, both erotic and frightening at the same time. Boone has come close to his performance even after all these years.