Anatoly Mezhenny
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$17.99 for HD version in Poland for the good, but old movie - it's inadecvate price, Google!! I was absolutely ready to buy it for the cost of offline cinemas in the Warsaw city center (which is now is $7.53 for 3D versoin of Avatar in prime time in Złoty Tarasy). Thanks, I will have to find it online for free (in 10 seconds), because of your crazy pricing only. I am really sad about the inadecvate prices on Google Play platform for movies (for the Poland region at least).

amanda lau
The movie was really good and it gave some great laughs. It doesn't hurt seeing Ryan Reynolds hot body ;) My only gripe is how the guy fell for the woman at the very end of the movie. It was expected but abrupt because the movie didn't really effectively build up to a strong romance/chemistry between the characters. Overall, I enjoyed it.
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A Google user
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