Thomas Slepetz
If you were to sit me down and give the option to rewatch Rocky Horror Picture Show or to fall off a bridge, I would choose the latter. The end left me confused and, quite frankly, scared. I still, two weeks later, fail to see a relevant plot to the movie. In response to this monstrosity of a movie, I say good day. If I had the opportunity to go back in time only once, I’d utilize the chance to remove this movie from existence.

Kyle Vansteelandt
That was the stupidest, weirdest, & worst R movie on my list. There is currently no ending, no plot, & there is no point to it at all, however on the bright side, I love the music & some of the songs by Richard o Brien, but I would never EVER watch it again. That's all I have to say. This movie deserves a D-
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Thomas Pratt
Awful movie. Saw this in college years ago. For the life of me I can't see why people like this movie. I tried to watch it again and it hasn't aged well. I'm all about cult classics but this one is just craptastic. No stars would be the best rating.
4 people found this review helpful