Birdman of Alcatraz

1962 • 148 minutes
93 reviews
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About this movie

The true story of a most extraordinary prisoner--Robert F. Stroud--a two-time killer who spent 43 years in solitary at Alcatraz...a prison which was reserved to house the worst of the worst. While in confinement, Stroud educated himself and became a world-renowned ornithologist, developing cures for ill birds. Based on the novel by Thomas E. Gaddis.

Ratings and reviews

93 reviews
Sally-Ann Hoyne
July 18, 2015
I have to admit this was well done, thought provoking, and in a way, interesting because it was a true story. And it is showing the never ending limitations of the criminal justice system and fantasy of rehabilitation.
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March 20, 2019
One of the best movie I have seen.And that this Movie is basted on a true story-it makes this move even better.To comper this with today's American jail's it,s a shame.Now most of American jail,s they execute them.ln Florida on a electric Chare, in California the Gas chamber, How sad is this, most criminals can be forgiven to put them back to society where they can take part of a good life. But it's easier to kill a Human being.How gruesame is this electric Chare.The dentist should rod in Hell
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Liam Tomas Kirken
August 2, 2020
For its time this has to be one of those movies that you will never forget. Fantastic experience, Amazing Acting.
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