Cowgirls n' Angels

2012 • 91 minutes
180 reviews
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About this movie

Cowgirls n' Angels is a heartwarming movie that tells the story of Ida, a feisty and rebellious young girl, who has dreams of finding her father, a rodeo rider. While searching for her dad, she connects with the Sweethearts of the Rodeo, a team of young female rodeo riders run by former rodeo star Terence Parker. Recognizing Ida's innate talent for trick riding, Terence recruits her for their ranks. Accepted wholeheartedly by her new "family," Ida finds a new passion that redefines her life, and may also help her find the father she's been searching for.

Ratings and reviews

180 reviews
Jolene Bostwick
June 20, 2015
I luv dis movie I use ta have it tell it got stolen from me my ex got it for me for my birthday and I'm trying to replace it before he notices it's gone please help me in any way to get a new one please and thank you
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Brianna Nunez
December 31, 2012
I loved this touching movie it was amazing. Ida didn't know a friend from the begining was her father. I miss my dad too. I also hope that the spark that was found in her parents is found again! Thank You for making this movie.
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J. Brown
August 22, 2016
This was a ok movie for non horse people. However if you like horses and sappy movies go for it.
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