Brenda Register (Faith Highlander)
It probably could reach today's young generation more so than any of the other magnificent Jesus movies. The actor that played Jesus made it real. I didn't give it five stars because it's not realistic, of the time Jesus walked on this earth. Although it is different it is a good movie. And several times throughout the movie, I had chills/goosebumps.

Todd Hurd
When I was very young, I found this among the albums hidden away by my brother who had gone to college. I was blown away and have been a .huge fan of this entire production ever since. Seeing the show is just as powerful as turning the record over and over. By the time my mother took me to the show, it was playing for .50 at a discount theater. I knew most of the songs by heart. I cried at the magnificence and power of seeing what found in the record on screen. As a devout Catholic, I see no reason for a religious person to take any issues with this interpretation of the Easter miracle.

gingerjen m
I saw the stage production in 72 when I was three and was mesmerized according to my parents. I bought the movie about 30 years ago and cried for the first ten minutes overcome with joy to watch it after listening to it for my whole childhood. My family is somewhat spiritual, but not religious. We just all loved this opera! My aunts and uncles all brought their kids with us to the stage production in Nashville. I got to see Ted and Carl perform it a few years later, Carl died soon after. The music and words are masterful and haunting. My second husband had reservations to watch it because he's a card carrying gimme a cracker and juice Church of Christ, but he loved it. There is nothing here to oppress the disbeliever nor offend the devout. It's just flat out the best rock opera ever done by the best cast to ever do it. Plus Ted Neely was HOT!