Curious George

2006 • 87 minutes
945 reviews
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About this movie

This animated family classic about everyone̍s favorite monkey and The Man in the Yellow Hat features the voice talents of Will Ferrell and Drew Barrymore, and the soundtrack by Jack Johnson.

Ratings and reviews

945 reviews
Ian Cummings
October 3, 2014
I love it it is WAY better then both cars and spirit. cars is stupid! Record spirit on Yr. phone with links. Cars is just "oh i love sally oh i gotta win the race oh no i need a pit crew" and spirit is just "RUN RUN RUN NEIGH EEEK I give up no i gotta try again must impress enemies Cmon Cmon oh i got anough stuff now JUMP" this is good. OHIGO
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Livi's Account
May 22, 2016
Sets a bad example, basically sais you can get away with all the bad stuff you do. I think Curious George needs a spanking.
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Jason Fournier
October 12, 2018
The kids enjoy it but making the man in the yellow hat a bumbling fool and having him voiced by Wil Ferrel was a mistake that ruins the movie.
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