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I just watched this movie. The reason I did so was that I was touched by the soundtrack, which I have only found recently in doing some research. Having worked as a Forensic Anthropologist in Bosnia in 1996 under the auspices of the war crimes tribunal (ICTY) and Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), I wanted to see what was represented in this film. The story about Harrison being found at the hospital in Vukovar is slightly misleading. More than 200 people, including many patients from the hospital were trucked to a site (Ovcara) and murdered, among them soldiers, civilians and people employed at the hospital. Luckily, "Harrison" was not one of them. Script continuity (I was one in the 1970's in Toronto) is poor. The roles of Harrison and his wife Sarah, are almost bit parts. I didn't really "get" the title "Harrison's Flowers" until the end, when he returns from Bosnia and his son says he took care of his father's flowers. At the beginning of the movie, there is poor development of the greenhouse/Harrison, which I think is pretty obscure until the end of the film. The role of Sarah (Andie MacDowell) is pretty much incidental as well, except for the very beginning of the film and at the end. She barely has anything to say in the interim, despite being almost raped, bombarded with shells and guns, etc, but always manages to look almost perfectly coifed. She plays a tertiary role to the real stars of the film, Adrien Brody (Kyle) and (Marc) Brendan Gleeson. "Harrison Lloyd" (David Strathairn) is almost an afterthought, in my opinion. The music is outstanding, the characters OK, but MacDowell is unconvincing and out of place in this movie.