2018 • 98 minutes
250 reviews
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About this movie

At the age of 85, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has developed a lengthy legal legacy while becoming an unexpected pop culture icon. But the unique personal journey of her rise to the nation's highest court has been largely unknown, even to some of her biggest fans – until now. RBG explores Ginsburg's life and career. From Betsy West and Julie Cohen, and co-produced by Storyville Films and CNN Films.

Ratings and reviews

250 reviews
A Google user
February 22, 2019
RBG rode on the coat tails of others who did the Heavy Lifting like Dr Martin Luther King. He even said "Ruthie if it wasn't for me and Malcolm (Malcolm X) you would be an unknown, but thanks anyway." I am a Real Liberal (60's style) and not what passes today as Liberal. These Hateful Counterfeit Liberals have Perverted Liberalism. Ruthie was more Obstructionist than Pathfinder. She did help getting some of the things done to help the Woman's Liberation Movement after Gloria Steinum nudged her.
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October 31, 2020
The first review I saw was a 1 star review claiming how stupid people are for thinking that RGB didn't HATE America and HATE Constitution. 'Cause thats how you become a federal Supreme Court judge, ya know, hating the legal system and the Constitution. Suck it up, Trump Flakes. Your Dinesh D'Souza "documentaries" have RT ratings of 4 - 8 percent while we have credible documentaries cited by academic outlets with ratings above 93 percent. (But I'm sure that's cause the "radical left" or w/e)
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Heidi Baker
August 24, 2018
An outstanding and informative documentary about not only one of the most insightful and influential Supreme Court Justices in US history but one of the most insightful and influential women as well. This film gave me a deeper appreciation of Justice Ginsburg's dedication to her position and her country. Without rational minds such as her"s, our country runs the risk of slipping back into a bygone era where the majority of the population, women, people of color, and other minorities had little to no rights. They were treated like second class citizens, if even that well, and nobody wants that again. I hope RBG lives forever.
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