Jakob The Liar

1999 โ€ข 120 minutes
69 reviews
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About this movie

Robin Williams plays a Jewish man in Nazi-occupied Poland who begins relaying fictitious news bulletins about Allied advances in order to keep hope and humor alive among the ghetto residents. ยฉ 1999 Global Entertainment Productions GmbH & Co. Film KG and SPE German Finance Co. Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Ratings and reviews

69 reviews
Davey Andrew
February 26, 2020
Robin Williams is wonderful in almost every role he's ever starred in. I think critics bashed this film when it was originally released. If you love Robin Williams though, then you will find this lesser known role deserves much more respect and could stand alongside his more Iconic performances.
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Pauline Head
January 15, 2020
This movie moved me to tears. Robin Williams is a resident of a ghetto, and when Jews have to start handing over their possessions, Jackob starts making up stories just to keep up everyone's hopes up. Wasn't expecting a role such as this for Robin Williams, I grew up watching Mork & Mindy.
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Ann Mcfadden
September 17, 2016
The cast the story the music it deserved every award a movie could be given and shall remain one of the best movies not only in my heart but in the heart of many.
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