Jean Luc Pressoir
Keeping a marriage ain't always easy to keep especially you thought that will stay until love and death do a man and woman apart. I love watching all the Tyler Perry films and plays especially the ones feature whose to relate the same type of problems there is between home or somewhere else either its your family members or the people who never treated you as yourself regularly. Everyone deserves to be love, treated with respect and care about them 24/7 neither you're rich or poor, smart or above, quick or slow, you got to be the best whatever you can bring is to have faith and patience.

Rushelle Lombardi-Orton
This movie can always make me cry and it feels real. I love and adore Tyler Perry. He is a great actor. A worthwhile inside a handful of dysfunctional relationships on a get away retreat to fix or rebuild the relationship. A lot of different emotes and it was definitely heartfelt. Deserves 10 out of 10 stars, but five will do.
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Star Huner
I think watching this movie it shows the good and bad in any relationship your in. Loving someone comes with the good and the bad, and if you are strong and believe in that someone you can make it through anything. I find this is a must watch movie for anyone looking for a real down to earth kind of movie!!!!!!!
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