Alex Henning
Incredible Movie. Made me not only feel for DFW, but made me feel I was him. Somewhat like how his work makes you feel. A deep need to be sincere while being desperately afraid of being misconstrued in a world that wants to do exactly that. Beautiful cinematography. Don't watch this if you want a more traditionally American plot. Both actors also did well, especially liked the portrayal of all the Midwesterners in the film.

kenneth stinnett
The movie writing, direction, and acting all culminate in a perfect description and possibly personification of the life of David Foster Wallace from and outside perspective. All geniuses are wrought with the heavy pain of genius. There's something that people tend to attribute to genius and that's happiness. Geniuses are in rare cases ever happy because, with their higher understanding, for them to be happy they have to have something greater then what can ever be obtained. David Wallace needed that something greater and you can see that lust, desire, and pain in the eyes of the actor. Jason Segel, as someone who has no personal knowledge of the actor, is a happy individual and so the intense pain you see in his eyes in this movie is a testament to his ability to act and act with such real emotions that his eyes tell the story without words being uttered. His counter in the movie Jesse Eisenberg is perfect and captivating in way that you never thought pure jealousy could be. Throughout the movie you will catch Jesse Eisenberg stealing looks at the man he is wishing to become and that jealously is perfectly conveyed through the script and the direction. This movie is excellent.
14 people found this review helpful

This movie is wonderful. An amazing journey both on screen and for the viewer. But seriously, I can't get over all the brand new cars in multiple scenes. It just kills the continuity and distracts me from everything else.. I know I'm nitpicking, but it's one small thing I wish they would've accounted for, especially after going to the trouble of getting 90's Pepsi cans.