Woochi: The Demon Slayer

2009 • 135 minutes
34 reviews
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About this movie

This fantasy-action blockbuster based on a Korean folktale broke all box-office records in Korea in 2009. Jeon Woo-chi, an undisciplined, womanizing wizard unjustly accused of the death of his master, is trapped inside an ancient scroll until he is set free in 2009 by the wizards that imprisoned him to help fight against evil goblins that have taken over present-day Korea. The only problem is that Woo-chi is more interested in his new modern home -- and the women of Korea -- than becoming a hero. Will he be the savior of mankind?

Ratings and reviews

34 reviews
Marcus Mitcham
May 21, 2013
I really love Google play but it is little things like not having subtitles when everyone else does that reminds me when it comes to movies Google is really playing catch up.
Jostin Valverde
May 9, 2013
You guys need to get this movie with subtitles everyone else has it subbed already and i saw this on my psvita and it was subbed
laffy tiffy
November 14, 2014
Best movie ever this is my all time favorite I can rewatch this again and again